Mar 19, 2014

How to Whiten Knees

Natural Skin Whitening

You wonder you have a fair skin yet you have dark knees. You are searching remedies to cure dark knees and you stumble upon hard steps or expensive whitening cream for knees. You keep on searching and you can't find cheap whitening cream. So I'll give you tips and ideas how to lighten your knees in 5 days or even overnight by following the instructions below.

If you follow all the steps properly there's a big chance you will get fair and white knees in a few days only so let's start and we are pretty sure all the ingredients are found in your kitchen or so we say natural herbal whitening.

Tips on how to whiten your knees

1.) Use Papaya Soap and let it dry for a couple of minutes then rinse.
2.) Use SP5 Sunblock when going out under the sun.
3.) Rub Sliced Onion make sure you have no allergies.
4.) Apply lotion in circular motion so that it will wipe out dead skin cells.